command is used to list the indexing enabled for each
module. Running emuindexing
without any arguments
will list each module along with its indexing setting. For example:
Table "eaccessionlots", indexing "texpress"
Table "eaudit", indexing "solr"
Table "ebibliography", indexing "texpress"
Table "ecatalogue", indexing "solr, data"
Table "ecollectionevents", indexing "solr"
Table "econdition", indexing "solr"
Table "econservation", indexing "texpress"
Table "edocuments", indexing "texpress"
Table "eevents", indexing "solr"
Table "eexhibitobjects", indexing "solr"
Table "eexports", indexing "texpress"
Table "efieldhelp", indexing "texpress"
Table "egroups", indexing "texpress"
Table "einsurance", indexing "texpress"
Table "einternal", indexing "solr"
Table "eloans", indexing "solr"
Table "elocations", indexing "solr"
Table "eluts", indexing "solr"
Table "emovements", indexing "solr"
Table "emultimedia", indexing "solr"
Table "enarratives", indexing "solr"
Table "eoperations", indexing "texpress"
Table "eparties", indexing "solr, data"
Table "eregistry", indexing "solr"
Table "erights", indexing "texpress"
Table "eschedule", indexing "texpress"
Table "esites", indexing "solr"
Table "estatistics", indexing "solr"
Table "etaxonomy", indexing "solr"
Table "etemplate", indexing "texpress"
Table "ethesaurus", indexing "solr"
Table "etrapevents", indexing "solr"
Table "etraps", indexing "solr"
Table "evaluations", indexing "solr"
Table "ewebgroups", indexing "texpress"
Table "ewebusers", indexing "texpress"
If Solr indexing is enabled, an optional JSON string
containing the record indexed can be produced as part of the indexing
process; the string can be used by third party applications that use the Solr
indexes to perform searches independently of EMu. If the option is enabled, the solr
indexing setting will be suffixed with
(see ecatalogue
and eparties
in the list above).